We bring precision medicine to female health.

endogene.bio’s research platform helps discover molecular biomarkers to better diagnose and stratify patients, and to improve drug discovery processes using menstrual blood.

We work with analytical laboratories to provide diagnostic tests and we assist pharmaceutical companies in optimizing drug development and patient stratification for clinical trials.

We are determined to address the historical underrepresentation of female biology in medical research and bring precision medicine to female health.

We have a dedicated team of experts in female health, specialised in uterine and endometrium science.

Team Expertise Areas

  • endometriosis


  • endometrial-cancer

    endometrial cancer

  • fertility


  • inmunology


  • cellular-biology

    cellular biology

  • molecular-biology

    molecular biology

  • ageing



  • // 150 m2 of facilities, including 42 m2 of P2 laboratory space

  • // Molecular biology: DNA, RNA, Methylation

  • // Specific cell type isolation, phenotyping and immunoprofiling

  • // Bioinformatic analysis: epigenetics, genetics, transcriptomics (bulk & single cell)

  • // Sample expertise: menstrual blood, endometrial and endometriosis lesion biopsy

Website created by Aridane Martín © 2024